Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chromium Users Speak Up!


Chromium plus exercise plus medical school made me lose 15 pounds in 7 year! Amazing! -John Francis Lee Hok (medical student)

Chromium? I never heard of it… Is it the new web browser from google? - loss child

*** Apparently, chromium use as a diet agent is not that widely used in the Philippines as compared to other substances.***

Chromium? Isn’t that a heavy metal? It can lead to weight loss? Really? - Rose Ann Palma

Chromium and weight loss? Never heard of it. I would rather take green tea and L-carnitine, sounds more natural - Cristal Laquindanum

I lost 10 pounds with chromium supplementation. It really works! - Pauline Mae

Just Take a Look at How

Chromium Has Helped Others:

“I seriously couldn’t believe it worked. I hurt my back and was in bed for nearly 2 months. During that time I couldn’t workout or do even the easiest exercises. I could barely walk.

With nothing to do ­ besides watching daytime Soaps and Oprah ­ I starting taking BetaFuel in the morning for the quick burst of energy and to get my day started. Then I took Chromium right after Lunch and before dinner. Those are the times I get the worst cravings, so instead of taking Chromium before bed, I took it when I could use the help. I couldn’t believe how fast the weight came off."

Brock & Jessie

“I can now honestly admit I was 30-35lbs overweight when discovering Marqi Life’s Daytime Fat-burner product BetaFuel and Night-time Fat-burner product Chromium on the internet. At first I was very skeptical because there are so many weight-loss scams online, who can you really trust? Well as you can see by viewing my before and after pictures I ended up trying both products for a 3 month period and lost 42.7lbs and decreased my body fat by 7.4%.

Plus I have a huge secret to tell you and it maybe hard to believe this but I NEVER CHANGED MY DIET and by no means do I eat healthy. After using these products and seeing a dramatic change, it gave me the motivation to get back into the gym and live a healthier life style. I’m a firm believer in what Marqi Life offers and will be a dedicated client for life!"

Rick & Joanny

“When I first started taking Chromium I was 141 lbs and 25 pounds overweight. It was depressing no matter what I did or ate I couldn't lose any weight. Then I started taking the Chromium 3 pills before I went to bed with a big glass of water. That first night did something. I woke up the next morning feeling totally refreshed. I had actually had a great night sleep for once and on top of that I had lost 3 lbs OVERNIGHT!! I've been on the Chromium for only 3 weeks now and I'm down to 125 lbs and lost 2 inches. I feel more energized and refreshed than I have in a long time. I'm very happy to have found a product that actually worked and was so well priced. Now I tell everyone what I'm using it because people are actually starting to comment on how good I look. Thank you so much!"